Arizonans in D.C., Day 2: Bono, Barack and a huge mass of people

By Nick R. Martin | January 18th, 2009 | 2:10 pm | No Comments »

Arizonans, including a couple local journalists, are in Washington, D.C. for the inauguration festivities. If you’re following them through Twitter, it’s obviously mayhem. Here’s a second-day sampling of their posts on Twitter:

@terimorris: headed to lincoln memorial for inaugural kickoff with obama and bono.

@samuelisaac: This is “home” for the next few days. Travel day over! –

@rgutel: Heading to the Lincoln Memorial with all the masses. Am I insane? Just passed a man selling “president is black” t-shirts. #inaug09

@melissa12news: I’m riding the Metro into downtown Washington to meet up with Arizonans in town for the inauguration.

@jenindc: Attending the #inauguration? Large bags & backpacks are prohibited — “large” means bigger than 8″x6″x4″.

Also, Valley freelance public radio reporter Rene Gutel (listed above as @rgutel) is covering the inauguration for numerous outlets. She’s posting her work on her own website, so follow along. She did a piece yesterday for American Public Media’s Weekend America, which is up there now.