Hausner's testimony, terse and stubborn for a change

By Nick R. Martin | February 5th, 2009 | 10:40 am | No Comments »

Dale Hausner

Live from the courtroom: At least yesterday he was answering questions.

Serial Shooter suspect Dale Hausner has proved as stubborn today as he was defiant yesterday, answering many of prosecutor Vince Imbordino’s questions with answers such as “I don’t know” or “I can’t remember” rather than the elaborate stories he told previously.

Here’s a sampling of his answers today:

  • “I’m not a professional map reader, sir. I apologize.”
  • ” I have a pretty good memory, but I can’t remember everything.”
  • “Again, I’m trying my best here.”
  • “I did not search him for his cell phone, sir. I have no knowledge of what Mr. Dieteman does.”
  • “I don’t recall, sir.”
  • “I can only speculate. It’s been three years.”

This is a far cry from his testimony earlier in the week, when Hausner had an answer for every question and accusation against him. In fact, at the time, it appeared that Hausner either had a nearly perfect memory or else was incredibly well-prepared for his testimony. His explanations were lengthy and detaild. “I still to this day have nothing to hide,” he told the jury on Monday.

In the past day, though, something changed. Hausner was obviously upset by many of the questions he faced yesterday from Imbordino. His face turned red and he sometimes tried to cut off the prosecutor in mid-sentence. He was shaken. Today, however, his answers have been short or else labored. He often apologizes for his poor memory or sense of direction. We’ve seen a different Dale Hausner.