Tucson Citizen on life support. Staffers unhappy

By Nick R. Martin | March 17th, 2009 | 8:05 pm | No Comments »

Arizona’s oldest newspaper had already been declared dead, with staffers reportedly preparing a special commemorative final issue to be printed on Saturday. But it turns out the Tucson Citizen will survive on a “day-to-day basis” as its parent company negotiates a possible sale with two interested buyers, the newspaper announced today.

The move apparently leaves staff members in serious limbo, not knowing whether they should be celebrating or looking for work elsewhere. “Frankly, I’m pissed,” the newspaper quoted Randy Harris, a Citizen staff artist, as saying. “From the beginning of all of this, there has been no consideration for the people involved.” Other employees offered similar sentiments.

There was no word on the identities of the two potential buyers.